As hard as I've been trying to get to the pages of THE MOONBEAM RIDER, forces have been pulling me away.
Scheduling has been tough for me lately.
Therefore, I've decided to cancel my holiday plans. I'm not a Thanksgiving or Christmas type of person to begin with (Halloween is my holiday of choice). My family is on the East Coast and, although I love them, the thought of flying back in the cold doesn't exactly excite me. For Thanksgiving, I was going to visit an old college buddy who lives in Vegas. I thought I would get some good writing in at the Hard Rock for three or four days. For Christmas I was going to take a seven day cruise (it would have been my first) down into sunny Mehecco.
But dammit, I want this book written and I enjoy getting lost in this world I've created. A world that harkens back to the old pulp science fiction magazines and World War II, while remaining firmly planted in a contemporary world which could be tomorrow.
So I'm just going to write through the holidays.
I have become fully invested in the main character NOA ASH and her plight being recently orphaned in a world at war with another world. Which is what happens when you write. The characters start to come alive for you and inhabit your life. Then the only way to purge yourself of these ghostly inhabitants is to get their story out of you. Even though it's a long hard road, there are few joys as great as finishing a novel.
I'm in the middle of the second chapter and around 7,000 words. I'm already planning the book cover and I'm going to hire a voice actress to do an audio recording of the first three chapters, when I have them finished. Since the story is written in the first person of our heroine Noa Ash, I figure this is the best way to introduce her to all of you.
I'll keep you posted.